Body Temperature Scanning
With advanced detectors and algorithms, Arcdyn's highly accurate temperature measurement thermal cameras can be used for temperature screening with accuracy up to ± 0.3˚C or ± 0.5˚F.
Arcdyn TempVue Body Temperature Scanning Kiosk Camera
- Vox uncooled censor 160x120
- dual-lens
- 25fps thermal frame rate
- 7-inch touch screen
- Mifare card reader
- Face anti-spoofing
- audio prompt
- mask detection
- 2MP
- Includes Stand
Arcdyn TempVue Body Temperature Scanning Handheld Camera
The Arcdyn TempVue Body Temperature Scanning Hand Cam is specially designed for temperature measurement applications, where heat leaks and other abnormal changes in temperature must be identified. It is equipped with a 160×120 resolution thermal detector and 8 MP optical resolution. It combines thermal and optical images into a fusion display.
TempVue Body Temperature Scanning Bullet 13mm
The Arcdyn TempVue Body Temperature Scanning Bullet Cameras are equipped with highly sensitive thermal and optical sensors and a graphical processing unit to run the video content analysis (VCA) algorithms developed by Hikvision’s deep learning technology. The sensor’s 160 x 120 resolution is upscaled to 320 x 240 and features adaptive AGC (Automatic Gain Control), 3D DNR (Digital Noise Reduction), and Digital Detail Enhancement for outstanding image enhancement. The 4 MP optical sensor provides outstanding color video in very dim environments down to 0.0089 lux, and built-in IR illumination allows black and white optical surveillance in zero- light conditions up to 49 ft (15 m). This camera series is able to measure an object’s temperature at a high accuracy in real time. It is suitable for use in areas that require greater security measures such as airports.
TempVue Body Temperature Scanning Bullet 8mm
The Body Temperature Scanning Bullet Cameras are equipped with highly sensitive thermal and optical sensors and a graphical processing unit to run the video content analysis (VCA) algorithms developed by Hikvision’s deep learning technology. The sensor’s 160 x 120 resolution is upscaled to 320 x 240 and features adaptive AGC (Automatic Gain Control), 3D DNR (Digital Noise Reduction), and Digital Detail Enhancement for outstanding image enhancement. The 4 MP optical sensor provides outstanding color video in very dim environments down to 0.0089 lux, and built-in IR illumination allows black and white optical surveillance in zero- light conditions up to 49 ft (15 m). This camera series is able to measure an object’s temperature at a high accuracy in real time. It is suitable for use in areas that require greater security measures such as airports.
TempVue Body Temperature Scanning Turret IP Camera
- 160 x 120 Thermal Resolution (Upscaled to 320 x 240)
- Temperature Accuracy: ±0.9° F (±0.5° C) at 2.62ft to 4.92 ft (0.8 m to 1.5 m)
- Reliable Temperature Exception Alarm Function
- 3D DNR, Image Detail Enhancement
- White Light and Audio Alarm